Producing an event can involve the coordination of various aspects that have very different timelines and types of task requirements. Keeping track of all these moving parts can be very arduous, and can lead to missing out on important deadlines or meetings. That is where an Event Critical Path comes in.
An Event Critical Path is a living document that compiles all the dozens of tasks, dependencies, people and their dates and deadlines into one organized timeline. It helps to keep the elements of your event on track and on budget, while also providing you with a big picture perspective on the event plan.
This document is complicated and needs to be updated frequently to reflect accurate information on the current circumstances or the status of assigned tasks to keep the team on track for future work. Once all critical timelines and non-negotiable deadlines are considered, it is essential to share this document with your team or the event production committee so that any significant changes can be accounted for and communicated to everyone involved.
What are the benefits of an Event Critical Path?
Provides you with the big picture all in one document
Creating a single document that details all aspects of the planning process can help you visualize the final event from the start. This allows for any necessary adjustments before production begins. As a result, the Event Consultant has a better sense of your expectations without any major creative changes needed after the event plan is underway.
Enables better collaboration
It’s helpful to have one comprehensive document that includes all the components of the planning process. This document can give you an idea of what the final event will look like from the start. By making any necessary changes before the production process begins, you can ensure that the plan is perfect and avoid any last-minute adjustments. This will help them coordinate and plan their own contributions to your event timeline, while also helping them align their services to your delivery due dates.
Provides accountability to those handling deliverables
The Event Critical Path document grants all team members access, outlining tasks and responsibilities, along with deadlines for completing each task. This makes all the team members accountable to each other to complete their work, while also alerting everyone to any new changes in the production timeline.
Buffer Zones
When creating an Event Critical Path, Event Consultants usually anticipate that tasks will take longer than they actually will to create a sufficient buffer in case the team is falling behind on some tasks. If everything is on track, there is a possibility that the production process will take less time than projected in the plan, which means you have the buffer time left over to review all the completed work or your vendor contracts.This is great to minimize the risk of any complications during or on the day of the event.
And there it is! If you are producing an event and would like a professional’s expertise to help you create a sustainable Event Critical Path that works best to achieve your goals, SBC is the company for you.
Check out our services and packages here, and contact us for any queries you might have!