Cowell Night Live

Cowell Night Live

Cowell Night Live Cowell Night Live was designed as an Annual Awards Night brought into the 21st Century!  We took the age-old format of a Presenter announcing the Award Winners and getting their picture taken on stage to an all-new level.  Comedy improv actors...
Garden of Eatin’

Garden of Eatin’

Garden of Eatin’ The objective of this event was to design a creative food display that was both interactive and appealing for our guests. We wanted the food to serve as decor as well hors d’ oeuvres and it did indeed! Guests entered the Vancouver Art Gallery in awe,...
Christmas Around The World

Christmas Around The World

Christmas Around The World A Staff Appreciation event that stand out requires innovation and incredible creativity. Our client wanted more than a typical “Christmas” party – guests talking shop over food and drink, or worse yet, skipping the event entirely. We decided...
Oktoberfest Celebration

Oktoberfest Celebration

Oktoberfest Celebration Oktoberfest in February? Our client wanted to surprise her guests with a customized event held in a Train Station and we made that happen. Guests were greeted by costumed actors in Lederhosen, as they entered the venue, which had been...
Wild Wild West

Wild Wild West

Wild Wild West Cowboy themes are always a good fit for events in Western Canada, so when our client hired us to build our own western town, we knew that we were setting the stage for a successful event experience. Western events are a chance to celebrate a bit of...

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