
“If you build it, he will come” (not they). This is a line from the 1989 Kevin Costner movie Field of Dreams. In the movie, Costner’s character Ray is struggling with his relationship with his deceased father who was a devoted baseball fan. If you build it, they will come; which means that if you put effort and belief into the success of a project, it’s more likely to succeed.

Well, we built it (SharonBonnerConsulting) and they are coming in droves. We are SO EXCITED to say that we are now happily offering our event consulting services to many clients. Some clients are new to us, some we have worked with in the past. But all of them have one thing in common. They need solid, reliable and creative supportive and that’s what we provide to them.

Need help planning your next event? Or maybe you are struggling with just one or two tasks like creating a Critical Path or developing your Show Flow. Take advantage of our FREE 30 minute chat with an event expert to learn how we really do become an extension of your team. It’s so relieving for our clients to know that they have an event expert on their team. You too can feel this relief!


2023 – Year of the Rabbit

As the Year of the Tiger ends on January 21, 2023, and the Year of the Rabbit begins, we can expect an abrupt change of pace as we say goodbye to the roaring Tiger and hello to the milder Rabbit.

Both anatomically and behaviorally, tigers and rabbits could hardly be more different.

Benefits of Hosting Corporate Event

While it allows everyone to let loose and have a good time, it also has benefits for your business as a whole.

Join us to learn about the benefits of hosting a corporate event in 2023 and how an event consultant can help you turn your average event into a high ROI!

Expectations vs Reality

There are many components to producing a successful event and an event consultant will know just how to help! The idea of planning an event often appears challenging and stressful.

With the right event consultant, you can bring your event vision to life and maximize your ROI.

What’s new with us?

Monthly Retainers. That’s what is new with us. We are currently working with several clients who have a team or committee, but are just a little uncertain if they are on the right path and doing everything that they need to. We meet with these clients either weekly or bi-monthly, to make sure that their planning process is on track. We are like their secret weapon.

How does this work? It’s easy. Just book a block of time (say 10 – 20 hours), schedule your meetings and identify a few deliverables / tasks that you are struggling with. We will design a plan to get these tasks done either together or we can do them for you. We love supporting our event friends in the community, so let’s collaborate! Get it touch with us today!

Diff. between Event Consulting & Producer?

How much does Event consulting cost?

How does Event Consulting work?

An Event Producer plans the event from A-Z and an Event Consultant gives you the plan so you can plan it on your own.

You have many options to work with us and the price varies upon the option you select. We offer hourly rates, packages, monthly retainers or task based.

It’s super simple to work with us. Book a free call and we’ll guide you in the right direction to “fill in the gaps” where you need help.


My event planning tip this month is to add a contingency of 15% to your event budget. With all of the unknowns from labor shortage, to supply chain issues, to rising food costs, a planner now needs to have “wiggle room” in their budget.

In the past three decades, event planners set a working budget and went about gathering quotes and plugging those numbers into the spreadsheet. Nowadays budgets are set but it seems that costs skyrocket in areas you least expect it.

At the end of January, we attended GO WEST in Edmonton, Alberta. It was our second in-person event since the pandemic in 2020 and it felt so good! We saw many familiar faces and sat in on lots of inspiring sessions and workshops. Seeing event friends was the best!

My main takeaway from this event is that nothing can replace an in-person hug, smile or touch. Attending this event reinforced my belief that as humans we really need to gather together in the same room. Creativity and innovation are born when bright minds are connected in the same space. Connect with us on our socials and let’s keep the conversation flowing. Let’s book a coffee or lunch in person!

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