
Our blogs cover a variety of topics from educational, case studies and highlights. Our 10-part Event Consulting blog series offers you an in-depth look at the ins and outs of Event Consulting.

Event Production vs Event Consulting

Event Production vs Event Consulting

As an event veteran who has spent more than three decades running an event production agency, I have noticed that a lot of my clients have a common misconception that Event Production and Event Consulting are the same thing…

An award-winning strategy by an Event Expert

An award-winning strategy by an Event Expert

Want to learn more about the event consulting industry or how an Event Consultant produces an award winning event? In this blog, we chat with Sharon Bonner about her experience as an award-winning

Monthly Retainer in Event Consulting

Monthly Retainer in Event Consulting

This blog written by event experts will provide you with everything you need to know about monthly retainers, so you can see if it’s the perfect plan for you and your needs…

How to Brand Your Event

How to Brand Your Event

While planning your event, it is crucial to focus on building a powerful brand that speaks volumes to your target audience. An Event Consultant can help to create an event strategy that aligns with the brand…

Setting KPIs for your event

Setting KPIs for your event

Event KPIs are super important for determining your event’s overall success. Without KPIs, there is practically no event. With that in mind, this informative blog will provide you with all the basics about event KPIs…

Avoid Burnout When Planning Events

Avoid Burnout When Planning Events

Planning for an event can be stressful and exhausting. Don’t fret, we get it – and we got the solution for you! Hiring an Event Consultant is the solution to destress you from the strain of planning…

Plan an Event on a Tight Budget

Plan an Event on a Tight Budget

Have a limited budget but want to plan an amazing event? Then you have come to the right place because Event Expert Sharon Bonner has endless tips and tricks to plan your event on a low budget…

The Pre, Middle, and Post Event

The Pre, Middle, and Post Event

The planning cycle consists of each phase of the event: pre, middle, and post. While all bear equal importance, attention and priority must be distributed to each in order…

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